Bring your new or used desktops, laptops, and tablets to KKCS, and we will give them a new life! 將您用不到的電腦、平板帶到中華廣教學校,讓我們給予他們新生命!
Our students rely on this technology to conduct research and complete their homework assignments. 幫助學生做研究與完成功課作業。

Computer Requirements 電腦設備需求*:
No more than 4 years old 設備年份四年之內
Must be able to charge/turn on 可以充電、開關機與正常使用
Tablet Requirements 平板設備需求*:
No cracked screen 銀幕無裂痕
No more than 4 years old 設備年份四年之內
Must be able to charge/turn on 可以充電、開關機與正常使用
*If you have any questions about requirements, please call us at (617) 426-6717. 若有捐贈物資問題,歡迎您來電中華廣教學校辦公室(617) 426-6716。

Interested in donating 對捐贈電腦、平板有興趣嗎?
Please drop off your devices at either 請將您欲捐贈的裝置帶至以下地點:
Boston Specialists: 65 Harrison Avenue, Suite 201, Boston, MA 02111
To arrange a pick up of your devices instead, please contact our office at (617) 426-6716, or email us at 若您希望我們前往收取您捐贈的裝置,請聯繫我們 (617) 426-6716 或是來信。