KKCS will be offering a Full-Day program during BPS December vacation week. Please see the program schedule below.
Please note that there is very limited availability!

Full-Day Program Information:
Days: Mon. 12/27 – Thurs. 12/30
Cost: $300 for the week
8:30AM – 9:00AM: Drop off + Breakfast
9:00AM – 12:30PM: Morning Enrichment (Math, English, and Homework Help)
12:30PM - 1:00PM: Lunch
1:00PM – 4:00PM: Afternoon Activities (Ping Pong, Just Dance, Reading, etc.)
4:00PM – 5:00PM: Snack and Free Play
5:00PM - 5:30PM: Dismissal
Sign Up Form:
The sign up deadline is Wed. 12/01 by 11:00AM. If you are interested, please sign up here:
If you have any questions, please contact our office by phone at (617) 426-6716, or by email at kwongkow@gmail.com.
Additionally, as a reminder, KKCS will be CLOSED on:
November 11th (Veterans Day)
November 25th & 26th (Thanksgiving break)