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2022 Kwong Kow’s Got Talent Info!

Updated: Mar 10, 2022

Our annual talent show is back! Read about our rules and regulations below.

talent show banner

Brief Summary:

  • Submissions open online on January 11th, 2022 @ 12:00PM.

  • Submissions close on February 4th, 2022 @ 4:00PM.

  • Performances must not exceed 3 minutes.

  • There will be a public livestream of all performances on February 18th, 2022.

  • Winners will be determined by a panel of KKCS judges and by audience members.

  • Winners will be announced on March 4th, 2022.


  • 1月11日中午12點,開放接受稿件。

  • 2月4日下午4點,稿件截止。

  • 表演不得超過三分鐘。

  • 2月18日,公開線上表演。

  • 獲獎者將由 KKCS 評委和觀眾成員組成。

  • 獲獎者將於3月4日公布。


We are excited to see your wonderful performances yet again. The 2022 Kwong Kow’s Got Talent event will have the same format as last year.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns after reading the information in this blog post, please contact us at


2022 廣教才藝秀的形式與去年相同。



Performance Requirements

  1. No profanity is permitted in any music, dance, or other performance. This is a family friendly event, so please be respectful.

  2. Costume/attire must be respectful.

  3. Performance length must be no more than 3 minutes long.

KKCS reserves the right to disqualify any contestant/group for violating any rules or requirements.


  1. 稿件內容不得出現褻瀆、辱罵等言辭行為。本活動家庭友好,請展示尊重。

  2. 著裝得體。

  3. 表演時長不得超過 3 分鐘。



Submission Requirements

  1. Performances may be submitted starting January 11th, 2022 @ 12:00PM.

  2. Performances must be submitted before February 4th, 2022 @ 4:00PM.

  3. Performers will be required to sign a photo release and liability waiver upon submission.

  4. Performance videos must be submitted online using the Google Form below.

  5. Performance video file(s) must be named in the following format:

"FirstName_LastName_TeacherName" (e.g. "Ben_Yu_Rieder")


  1. 1月11日中午12點,開放接受稿件。

  2. 2月4日下午4點,稿件截止。

  3. 提交稿件時,表演者需要簽署照片授權書和免責聲明。

  4. 表演視頻必須在Google Form線上提交。

  5. 表演視頻必須以以下格式命名:

"FirstName_LastName_TeacherName" (e.g. "Ben_Yu_Rieder")

2021 Submission Examples 往期才藝展示



  • KKCS may provide props/equipment for your performance, if needed.

  • Please let us know what you may need ahead of time.

  • You may contact your teacher or any KKCS staff about your request at


  • 如果需要,廣教可以會為您的表演提供道具/設備。

  • 請提前告訴我們您可能需要什麼。

  • 如果有任何需要,請聯繫


KKCS’s Got Talent Livestream

All performances will be compiled and shown on a public livestream on February 18th, 2022.




Winning Categories

Winners will be announced on March 4th, 2022.

All prize money will be awarded as Amazon Gift Cards. All winning performers will receive a KKCS’s Got Talent Participation Certificate. Winners will be asked to provide contact information to receive their prizes and certificates.

Additionally, if there are many submissions, we may include additional Honorable Mention cash prize winners to be decided by our judges.


獲獎名單將於 2022 年 3 月 4 日公布。



Judges 評委:

1st Place Performance 第一名表演: $50

2nd Place Performance 第二名表演: $30

3rd Place Performance 第三名表演: $20

Audience 觀眾:

Biggest Giggle 最捧腹大笑: $ 10

Best Originality 最佳創意: $ 10

Best Teamwork 最佳團隊合作: $ 10

Best Stage Presence 最佳舞臺表現: $ 10

*Due to the number of submissions, we will be combining Lower & Upper division.


Criteria for Winning

All performances will be evaluated by a panel of KKCS judges to determine 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners. Performances will be scored on the following:


所有表演將由 KKCS 評委小組進行評估,以確定一、二、三等獎獲得者。 表演將在以下方面進行評分:

Performance 表現 10 points

Originality 創意 10 points

Video Presentation 視頻效果 10 points

Vocal Delivery 聲效 10 points

Overall Arrangement 總體呈現 5 points

TOTAL 總分 50 points

BONUS 附加分: Use of Chinese Language 使用中文 5 points

Audience members will also have an opportunity to vote through a Public Voting Google Form after the Talent Show Livestream. The audience will determine winners for Biggest Giggle, Best Originality, Best Teamwork, and Best Stage Presence.

在才藝表演直播之後,觀眾將有機會通過 Google 公眾投票表格進行投票。 觀眾將確定最捧腹大笑、最佳創意、最佳團隊合作和最佳舞臺表演的獲獎者。


Questions, comments, or concerns? Contact us at


Kwong Kow Chinese School

87 Tyler Street, Boston, MA, 02111

Office Hours

Mon.–Fri. 11AM-7PM

Sat.–Sun. 9:30AM–4:30PM

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